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Tag: money

Articles tagged as Money

Free for a Small Fee?

Posted on February 11, 2024 by Matthew Johnson
This sentence may appear to be an paradox but trust me it isn't.Many websites offers top quality free stuff which unfortunetly rarely comes free.In this post i would like to show you how to prevent such traps, since it definitely can't be called free stuff.When someone is giving me free things like a contact address i expect this email to be cost-free, and after all any charge, not merely money but additionally free of a great deal of advertisements along with other things...

Seven Simple Steps to Save on Your Online Shopping

Posted on April 15, 2022 by Matthew Johnson
Here are some of my favourite ways to save time and money when shopping.1.Compare prices on a shopping comparison website Find the best price (and save a whole lot of time browsing ) using price comparison sites like Shopping.com, PriceGrabber.com, NexTag.com, Epinions.com, MySimon.com and many others.Make certain to check more than one because some sites only list certain shops.2.Lose the mall.Surf the internet malls instead the same as a regular mall, an internet mall groups the best stores all in 1 place...

Learn To Save Hard Cash This Festive Season

Posted on December 24, 2021 by Matthew Johnson
Time was when shopping was a painful experience, a chore to be lived with.Cash Back schemes have now brought the fun back into shopping.One can now shop online and buy all that you need without even leaving home.What is more, these online purchases also pay you back a certain amount on your purchases.Online purchase stores are now offering its customers up to 40% Cash Back on every purchase made.For shoppers, who don't like to venture out for their shopping and make all their purchases from online stores, these Cash Back rebate programmes actually pay them back for just the pains you are taking to go online...